Intervju s Özgürom Dirimom Özkanom | Turski narod se pobunio protiv neoliberalizma
Özgür Dirim Özkan je profesor antropologije iz Turske. Posljednjih godina živi na relaciji Turska-BiH. S njim smo razgovarali o aktualnim događanjima u Turskoj, o razlozima zašto je došlo do pobune te stanju u turskom društvu.

Prometej Iskreno mi je žao što ste nedavno napadnuti od strane jednoga našega sugrađanina zato što ste iskazali podršku turskom narodu u aktuelnim događanjima. Živite u Sarajevu i profesor ste antropologije, ali ste naravno ostali vezani za svoj narod. Kako gledate na ova dešavanja u Turskoj? Šta ona predstavljaju?
Mnogo Vam hvala na izvinjenju. Zapravo, nakon što je video postao polufenomen, primio sam također mnoge isprike od građana na ulici. Čak je bilo onih koji su me prepoznali dok sam vozio automobil, zaustavili me i izrazili svoje izvinjenje u ime osobe koja je pokušala da me isprovocira. Rekao sam im da oni nemaju za šta da se ispričavaju. Jer, zapravo, nisam ni ljut na Muhameda Šabanovića. Onakve reakcije su rezultat visokog stepena dezinformacija pod čijim je utjecajem bosansko društvo. Nažalost, agencija Anadolija i TRT su jedini izvori informacija o Turskoj, a jako je dobro poznato da oni imaju ulogu da budu prljava propagandna mašina za dezinformacijske vijesti iz Turske. Zato ne možete vidjeti nijednu originalnu vijest o “Gezi parku“ jer su one opstruiranje s njihove strane, što se vidi i na primjeru Sarajeva. Zato su oni glavni činioci propagande usmjerene protiv mene.
Zapravo, ljudi na turskim ulicama su također ustali protiv ove vrste dezinformisanja. U proteklim godinama bili smo hipnotizirani medijskim lažima da je ekonomija napravila veliki rast, da je Turska postala regionalna sila, da je tu demokracija na visokom nivou, da sve ide dobro, i tako dalje. Međutim, shvatili smo da to nije istina. Ekonomija je napravila 'bum' u korist međunarodnog monopola, jer vanjski dug je narastao za više od 250% a mnoge industrijske i finansijske institucije su prodane stranom kapitalu. Tako da u Turskoj ima novca, ali je on u vlasništvu stranog kapitala. Ne u vlasništvu ljudi u Turskoj. Dakle, ljudi žive u siromaštvu uprkos ekonomskom rastu. Uvijek sam uspoređivao turski ekonomski uspon sa razvojem stanica raka: rastu unatoč tome što to izaziva smrt cijelog organizma.
Dodatno, posljednja dešavanja na međunarodnom planu i način na koji se Turska uključila u njih osramotio nas je, sve zbog naše vlade. Godinu dana prije građanskog rata u Siriji, RTE (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan) primio je nagradu za ljudska prava od Muamera Gadafija. Na ceremoniji primanja, RTE je pohvalio doprinos Muamera Gadafija ljudskim pravima. Samo godinu dana poslije toga on je bio jedan od glavnih aktera anti-Gadafijeve kampanje.
Sličan slučaj sa Sirijom… Godinu dana prije građanskog rata, RTE i Hafiz El Assad zajedno su – sa svojim porodicama – proveli praznike u Turskoj. Ali, opet je RTE nakon samo jedne godine postao licemjerni anti-Asadovac. Sada mi podupiremo teroriste snabdijevajući ih naoružanjem ili rješavajući njihove logističke probleme.
RTE je stekao mnogo popularnosti svojom anti-izraelskom retorikom. Međutim, njegova stvarna politika to ne dokazuje. On je dopustio da u Turskoj budu postavljeni NATO-ovi radarski zračni sistemi koji ne koriste Turskoj, ali treba da zaštite Izrael od raketnih projektila koji bi eventualno bili upućeni iz Irana. Također je poznato da Izrael i Turska djeluju koordinirano u sirijskom građanskom ratu.
Sve ovo navelo je ljude da promisle o tome da li je ekonomski uspon stvaran, da li je neoosmanska politika ona koju oni žele. Osim toga, najprovokativnijim su bili napadi na osobnu slobodu ljudi.
Prometej Da li se u Turskoj doista bolje živi, kad je u pitanju prosječan stanovnik, otkako je Erdoganova partija na vlasti?
Kao što sam odgovorio u prethodnom pitanju, prema statističkim pokazateljima, BDP po stanovniku u Turskoj se povećao. No, izračun BDP-a ima mnoge dezinformacijske pokazatelje. Štaviše, novac koji trenutno protiče turskom ekonomijom ima bazu u stranim zemljama. Više informacija naveo sam u pismu koje sam pripremio za bosanske medije.
Prometej Šta očekujete od ove narodne pobune?
Rekao bih da se u kratkom vremenu ne mogu očekivati neke drastične promjene od ove pobune. Ne očekujem strukturalne promjene nakon nje. S druge strane, ako pobuna donese nečega novoga/dobroga za društvo, na duži rok će biti najvažnije kako će se ljudi ponašati nakon pobune. Po mom mišljenju, glavni rezultat pobune treba se očitovati u tome da ljudi postanu svjesni svojega okruženja, osobnih sloboda, problema u svojoj zemlji, a najvažnije – da postanu svjesni svoje snage. Ako se narod počne organizirati u radničke sindikate, političke partije i lokalne organizacije, dugotrajne posljedice i rezultati pobune bit će mnogo učinkovitiji.
Prometej Kako odgovoriti onima koji tvrde da iza prosvjeda stoje strani plaćenici i da je to podmetanje Turskoj koje joj je ne donosi ništa dobro?
To je dio dezinformisanja i prljave propagande. Moramo uzeti u obzir pokušaje da se ova pobuna u Turskoj identifikuje kao “tursko proljeće“. Mora se imati na umu da su pokreti arapskog proljeća usmjereni ka autoritarnim, u određenom stepenu nacionalnim vladama sjevernoafričkih država. No, uprkos tome što su u njih bile uključene mnoge napredne organizacije, oni su predvođeni konzervativno-islamskim organizacijama koje su surađivale sa stranim državama. Arapsko proljeće završilo je s dominacijom islamsko-konzervativnih vlada koje su kolaboracionisti imperijalizma. To je ono što upravo imamo u Turskoj! Iako je u pobuni dominantan anti-AKP diskurs, ne smijemo zaboraviti da je opća karakteristika prosječnog prosvjednika antiimperijalizam. Siguran sam da strane države drže jezik za zubima i tako izgleda da kritikuju RTE, ali ako malo bolje analiziramo kritiku zemalja Evropske unije i SAD-a, vidimo da je ona usmjerena samo protiv brutalnosti policije, ali se one drže podalje od kritikovanja politike RTE, koja je u službi EU i SAD-a.
Možemo reći da trenutno pobuni prisustvuju različiti ljudi različitih društvenih ugleda, klasa, skupina… Od radnika do biznismena, od umjetnika do studenata, navijača nogometnih klubova koji su inače jedni drugima suprotstavljeni, Kurda, Turaka, alevita (vjerska manjina povezana sa sufizmom i šijitizmom, op.ur.) i nekih muslimanskih grupa… Na fotografijama s ovih demonstracija možete vidjeti žene bez vela, ljude koji su glasali za AKP… Samo fanatični AKP članovi i simpatizeri ne podupiru demonstracije.
Tačno je da je jedinstvo turskog naroda pod prijetnjom sloma, ali pobune nisu uzrok već posljedica toga. AKP pokušava da dalje polarizira zemlju dijeleći narod na vjernike i nevjernike, Turke i Kurde, alevite i sunite, doktore i pacijente, vozače i putnike… AKP je do sada podijelila ove i mnoge druge dijelove društva i ljudi su reagirali protiv toga.
Franjo Šarčević |
| English |
Prometej I'm sincerely sorry that you've been attacked today from one of our fellow citizens because of your support to the Turkish people in the actual events that take place in Turkey. Currently you live in Sarajevo and you're a professor of anthropology, but of course you're also bonded to the destiny of your people. How do you look at the recent events in Turkey? What do those events represent?
Thank you very much for your apologies. In fact, after the video became a semi-phenomenon, I have received many apologies on the street as well. Even there were those who recognized me when I was driving and they stopped my car and they expressed their apologies in the name of that person who tried to provoke me. I have told them that, they are not the one who has to apologize. Because I am even not angry to Muhamed Şabanovic. As I say, all of them are the result of high degree of disinformation that the Bosnian society is under effect of. Unfortunately, Anatolian Agency and TRT are the only sources of information about Turkey, and it is very well known that they act as the black propaganda machine for disinformative news from Turkey. That is why you cannot see single original news of them about „Gezi Park“ since they are boycotted.
We have boycotted them in Sarajevo as well, and that is why they are the main actors of black propaganda directed against me.
In fact, people on the streets of Turkey have stood up against that kind of disinformation as well. In recent years, we were hypnotized by the lies of the media that the economy had boomed, Turkey became a regional power, there is a good democracy, everything goes well, etc. However, we have realized that the truth is not that. Economy boomed in the favor of international monopolies where the foreign debt increased more than 250% and many industrial and financial institutions are sold to the foreign capital. So, there is money in Turkey but owned by foreign capital. Not by the people. That is why; people live in such poverty despite the boom of economy. I always compare Turkey's economic boom with the ideology of a cancer cell: Growth in spite of the death of the whole organism.
In addition to that, especially the recent international incidences and Turkey's way of involvement in those crises made us to be ashamed of our government. One year before the civil war in Libya, RTE (Recep Tayyip Erdoğan) took the Human Rights Award from Muammer el-Qaddafi. During the award ceremony, RTE praised the contributions of Muammer El Qaddafi to the human rights. Just after one year, he was the one who was one of the main actors of anti-Qaddafi camp.
Another case is Syria... One year before the civil war in Syria, RTE and Hafiz El Assad had a holiday together in Turkey with their families. But, again RTE was the one who became hypocritically anti-Assad after one year. Now, we support terrorists by supplying them arms or solving their logistic problems.
RTE gained much of his popularity by the help of his anti-Israel rhetoric. However, his real politics does not prove that. He is the one who allowed NATO air defense radar systems to be located in Turkey which will not be useful for Turkey, but will define any missile attacks from Iran which are directed to Israel. It is also known that Israel and Turkey acts coordinately in the civil war in Syria.
All of those made people to rethink if the economic boom is real, if the neo-Ottomanist policies are the ones which we look for? In addition to those, the most provocative acts were those which attacked the individual freedom of people.
All of those thinks made people quite angry to the RTE and AKP government, and Gezi Park was the flame which started the fire.
Prometej Is the life standard in Turkey better - regarding the situation of average citizen - since Erdogan party is in government?
As I have mentioned in recent question, according to the statistics, it seems that the GDP per person have increased. First of all, the calculation of GDP has also many disinformative indicators as well. Moreover, currently, the money flowing in Turkish economy now is foreign based. You can have more information in the letter which I prepared for the Bosnian media.
Prometej What do you expect from this rebel of the people?
In fact I would say they short term drastic changes should not be expected from the riots. I do not expect structural changes after the riots. On the other side, for long term, if the riots will bring anything new/good for the society, it is very much important, not how the people reacted during the riots, but it is more important how they will behave after the riots. In my opinion, the basic consequence of the riots is that, it made people to be aware of their environment, their personal freedoms, the problems in their country, and the most important is that the people became aware of their power. For me this is the most important consequence and if it will lead people to be organized in trade unions, political parties or local organizations, the long term consequences of the riots will be more effective.
Prometej How to answer to those who claim that foreign mercenaries are behind these protests and that the protests are nothing but a vicious attack on the unity of Turkey which brings nothing good to Turkey?
This is part of the disinformation and black propaganda. We have to consider this issue with the attempts to identify riots in Turkey as „Turkish Spring“.
It has to be kept in mind that the Arab Spring movements were directed to authoritarian, to a certain degree national governments of the North African countries. On the other side, despite some progressive organization had involved, the Arab Spring was leaded by conservatist-islamic organizations which had collaborated with foreign countries. The Arab Spring resulted with the dominancy of Islamic conservatist governments who are in collaboration with imperialism. This is what we already have in Turkey! Although the anti-AKP discourse is dominant in the riot, it should not be forgotten that the general characteristics of average demonstrator is anti-imperialism. I am sure that, the foreign countries, for purpose keep their mouth shot and look like as if they criticize RTE. In fact, if you will apply discourse analysis to the critics of EU countries and USA, you will see that their criticism is only directed against the brutality of policemen, but they stay away criticizing RTE's policies, which are in favor of EU and USA.
Currently, we can easily say that different people from different social stratus, social classes, and social groups attend in the riot. From workers to businessmen, from artists to students... football fan clubs which used to be enemy to each other, Kurds, Turks, Alevis even some Muslim groups... In the demonstrations, you can see the photos of unveiled women; you can see people who voted for AKP. There are only fanatic AKP members and symphatisans who are not supporting the demonstrations.
It is correct that the union of Turkish people under threat of breakdown. But, the riots are not the reason for that, in fact, riots are result of that and people are rioting because they do not except the AKP's attempts to polarize the country anymore between believers-unbelievers, Turks and Kurds, Alevis and Sunnis, doctors and patients, students and teacher, drivers and travellers.. AKP have polarized these and many other parts of the society until now and people react against that.