''I used to think the world was broken down by tribes'' I said ''By black and white. By Indians and white. But I know that isn't true. The world is only broken into two tribes. The people who are assholes and the people who are not''
Our world is a funny thing. While on one side there is globalization, on the other side differences create bigger and bigger chasm among people. Seems like people are not ready yet to get closer to each other, to hear a different opinion and to accept it as equally valuable.

Bosnia and Herzegovina has always been a country of coexistence, respect and friendship among the simple, small people, but war destroyed that spirit of fellowship. Man is brought in situation to fight, to kill the one with whom he shared life laments, with whom he sang and had been close.

Well that is one absurd situation in which point of it can't be found. People became indignant to one another, filled with sick hatred and bigotry. They dissociated themselves in their 'tribes' and firmly decided not to get out them.Everything had to be rebuild again, but this time it was much, much harder. Even today, 20 years after the war is finished that process lasts. I can understand people who lost their loved ones, whole families, home, that they are not ready to come out of 'tribe', but what I really cannot understand are generations of young people, in which I belong too, who never felt the the slightest consequence of that horrible happening, and still they are obsessed with stupid nationalism. The worst part is that young people hardly know anything about the things that happened, and the very few information they know, are so one-sided that simply can't be treated as worthy of attention. I am very unhappy about the state in the place where I live in, where people are limited, where being a friend with muslim is a big scandal, where there are no dreams and imagination, no suitability for creating dialogue.My town is divided on two parts, 'ours' and 'theirs'. Everything is divided. Each and every one of us exactly knows where he or she is supposed to be. Kids learn how to be a 'real' Croat (or 'real' Bosniak). We magnify what's ours, we spit on what's theirs. That's who we are. It's sad, it really is. Sometimes I have a feeling that nothing is going to change, that there will always and forever be border between these two 'tribes' and no one's going to be so persistent to change that, I'm afraid of that.

Despite all, I still hope that with the time passing by, three 'tribes' will become smarter, break all those walls which separate us and realize that there is much more things that are bonding us. Let's just stop being Croat, Bosniak, Serb, and for one little minute be just good or bad, just that.

It's the only way to become aware of the fact that only united in diversity we can do great things.





''Običavao sam misliti da je svijet podijeljen na plemena'' rekao sam ''Na bijele i crne. Indijance i bijele. Ali sada znam da to nije istina. Svijet je podijeljen na samo dva plemena, na ljude koji su seronje i ljude koji nisu''
Naš svijet je čudna stvar. Dok se s jedne strane provodi globalizacija, s druge strane stvara se sve veći i veći jaz među ljudima. Čini se da ljudi još uvijek nisu spremni zbližiti se, čuti drugačije mišljenje, te isto prihvatiti kao jednako vrijedno.
Bosna i Hercegovina je oduvijek bila zemlja suživota, poštovanja i prijateljstva između običnih, malih ljudi, no rat je uništio taj duh zajedništva. Čovjek je doveden u situaciju da se bori, da ubija onoga s kim je dijelio životne jadikovke, s kim je pjevao i bio blizak.
Pa to je jedna apsurdna situacija kojoj se ne nazire smisla. Ljudi su postali ogorčeni jedni na druge, ispunjeni bolesnom mržnjom i netrpeljivošću. Ogradili su se u svoja 'plemena' i čvrsto su odlučili iz njih ne izlaziti. Sve je trebalo ponovno graditi, ali ovaj put bilo je mnogo, mnogo teže. Čak i danas, 20 godina od završetka rata taj proces traje. Razumijem ljude koji su izgubili voljene osobe, cijele obitelji, dom, da još nisu spremni izići iz 'plemena', ali ono što zbilja ne razumijem su generacije mladih ljudi, kojima i sama pripadam, koji nisu osjetili ni najmanju posljedicu tog užasnog događaja, a opsjednuti su glupim nacionalizmom. Najgora stvar je što mladi ne znaju gotovo ništa o stvarima koje su se događale, a ono malo informacija što znaju, isuviše je pristrano da bi bilo vrijedno pažnje. Najviše me žalosti stanje u mom mjestu, gdje su ljudi ograničeni, gdje je skandal biti prijatelj s muslimanom, gdje nema snova, mašte, nema pogodnosti za stvaranje dijaloga. Moj grad je podijeljen na dva dijela, na 'njihov' i na 'naš'. Sve je podijeljeno. Svatko od nas točno zna gdje mu je mjesto. Djeca uče kako biti 'pravi' Hrvat (ili 'pravi' Bošnjak). Svoje veličamo, njihovo pljujemo. Takvi smo mi. Tužno je to, ali zbilja. Ponekad imam osjećaj da se ništa neće promijeniti, da će uvijek i zauvijek postojati granica između ova dva 'plemena' i nitko neće biti toliko uporan da napravi promjenu, toga se bojim.
Unatoč svemu, ipak se nadam da će s vremenom 'plemena' postati pametnija, srušiti sve te zidove koji nas razdvajaju i shvatiti da nas puno više toga povezuje. Hajdemo prestati biti Hrvat, Bošnjak ili Srbin i na minuticu budimo samo dobri ili loši, samo takvi.
To je jedini način da postanemo svjesni činjenice da jedino ujedinjeni u različitosti možemo ostvariti velike stvari.

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